I'm back! We were on vacation last week, thus the reason for the lack in recent posts. But look at what I came home to! My garden was definitely ready for picking, and I was excited to see how big everything had gotten.

Doesn't it look great? My yellow squash plant got so big it is starting to take over the nearby tomato plants.

Jack was pretty excited about the string beans. He love to snack on them.

I filled up this great wooden crate, which I got at Joann's back in the Spring for this purpose. I love the weathered look.

We picked peas, yellow squash (not sure why my yellow squash looks all bumpy like a gourd?), cucumbers, zucchini and string beans.

Jack and I turned that huge zucchini into five loaves of chocolate chip zucchini bread today. Recipe coming soon. I am hoping to post my favorite garden recipes in the next couple weeks, but I am always looking for new recipes too. Feel free to email your favorite summer garden recipes to
aaleland@yahoo.comHappy Gardening = Happy Eating!
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