Aren't these the cutest snacks for preschoolers? It is my turn to help out in Jack's preschool tomorrow (and to bring the snack) so Jack and I made these tonight. I think the kids are going to love them. We made them with Ritz crackers, sunflower seed butter (you could use peanut butter if nut allergies are not an issue for your kids), pretzel sticks broken in half, and mini m&ms. I started by making them with the whole pretzel sticks for the legs, but they were too long and didn't stay in place very well. And I got reprimanded by Jack because "Mommy, spiders have EIGHT legs, not six." I added a leg on each size to fix that. Smart kid. We used a toothpick to dot the sun butter on the dimples in the crackers to help the eyes stick. After they were done we put them in the freeze for about 30 minutes to help them firm up. I think sun butter is a bit runnier and thinner than regular peanut butter so the freezing step was a big help for ours.

They don't have to be perfect, it gives them a little character when they are all different. I really tried not to fix the ones Jack made since he was so excited to help. They are a tad messier but overall they look great.
I got the idea here from Christine on her blog, From An Igloo. She has lots of other great things on her blog that I can't wait to try - like sewing a scrappy clutch, and making flower hair barrettes.
Have fun making spider snacks with your kids!
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