Every year during the Fall and Winter months I like to make hot spiced cider for parties or family gatherings that I host. And every year I search high and low over the Upper Valley looking for mulling spices. They are near impossible to find! I really wanted to make hot spiced cider for a cookie swap I was hosting but again could not find mulling spices. So after doing a little research I decided I would attempt to make my own. This turned out to be a great idea and cost me less than $2.00 to make three mulling spice sachets. I was able to purchase the spices I needed in the bulk bins at our local Co-op. Definitely a huge cost saver since I didn't need to purchase full containers of spices I probably wouldn't use for anything else. My hot spiced cider turned out wonderful so I am sharing the recipe. Feel free to substitute or leave out spices according to what you like. You can also use ground spices if you cannot find the whole spices, just use about half as much as the recipe calls for. This also makes a great gift given in a small mason jar (loose spices with instructions, or 2-3 prepared spice bags) with a container of apple cider.

Recipe for Mulling Spices
2 3 inch cinnamon sticks
1 tsp whole cloves
1 tsp allspice berries
1 tsp grated dried orange peel
3 cardamon pods
1 star anise (optional)
Combine ingredients and place in a small spice bag (can purchase, or make your own using a small square of doubled cheesecloth and string). Using a gentle pressure, massage spices together in spice bag slightly breaking them up and mingling them together.
For hot spiced cider combine one gallon of fresh apple cider and one mulling spice bag. Heat on low in crock pot for 2-4 hours before serving. Can also simmer on stove top for 1 hour before serving.
oh, a post! Good for you for making your own. Mulled cider is so good.